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Changelog for selinux-policy-targeted-3.13.1-60.el7.noarch.rpm : Wed Oct 14 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-60 Allow hypervvssd to list all mountpoints to have VSS live backup selinux-policy-3.14.4-37.fc31 | Build Info | koji Changelog * Wed Oct 09 2019 Lukas Vrabec - 3.14.4-37 - Remove duplicate file context for /usr//bin/nova-api-metadata - Introduce new bolean httpd_use_opencryptoki - Allow setroubleshoot_fixit_t to read random_device_t - Label /etc/named direcotory as named_conf_t BZ(1759495) - Allow dkim to execute sendmail - Update virt_read_content interface to allow caller … [changelog] 2.1.0 / Iijoki [closed] - together.jolla.com [bluetooth] Block suspend on bluez5 signals. [bluetooth] Block suspend on bluez start/stop. [bluetooth] Rename bluez4 specific functionality. [dbus] Allow use of sender in signal matching. [dbus] Track org.bluez service availability. [display] Handle auto-blanking rules in correct order. [dbus] Add method call for getting all mce settings. CentOS 7 : OpenStack Pike : Add Compute Nodes : Server World

I'm not sure if it is an issue, but I'm unable to find an explanation. Maybe something wrong with my configuration, but not trivial. I have an sslh.cfg file that looks like this: listen: (

29.08.2019 - Erkunde marco3600s Pinnwand „Technik“ auf Pinterest. Weitere Ideen zu Technik, Arduino projekte, 3d drucker. Jicofo

Type T is the return type of your original suspend function. And here’s what actually happens: this function is executed in a certain thread (patience, we also get to this), and the result is passed to the resume function of that continuation, in the context of which the suspend function was called.

5025 / 64586429. CentOS 7. Install / Initial Config. Install CentOS (01) Download CentOS 7 Changelog for selinux-policy-targeted-3.13.1-60.el7.noarch.rpm : Wed Oct 14 14:00:00 2015 Miroslav Grepl 3.13.1-60 Allow hypervvssd to list all mountpoints to have VSS live backup Changelog * Wed Oct 09 2019 Lukas Vrabec - 3.14.4-37 - Remove duplicate file context for /usr//bin/nova-api-metadata - Introduce new bolean httpd_use_opencryptoki - Allow setroubleshoot_fixit_t to read random_device_t - Label /etc/named direcotory as named_conf_t BZ(1759495) - Allow dkim to execute sendmail - Update virt_read_content interface to allow caller domain mmap src; selinux-policy-3.13.1-283.35.fc27.src.rpm ()noarch; selinux-policy-3.13.1-283.35.fc27.noarch.rpm () selinux-policy-devel-3.13.1-283.35.fc27.noarch.rpm () [bluetooth] Block suspend on bluez5 signals. [bluetooth] Block suspend on bluez start/stop. [bluetooth] Rename bluez4 specific functionality. [dbus] Allow use of sender in signal matching. [dbus] Track org.bluez service availability. [display] Handle auto-blanking rules in correct order. [dbus] Add method call for getting all mce settings. OpenVPN - VPN Server (01) Configure VPN Server (02) Configure VPN Client; LVM - LVM Manage (01) Manage Phisical Volumes (02) Manage Volume Groups (03) Manage Logical Volumes (04) Create Mirroring Volume (05) Create Striped Volume; Rsyslog - Syslog Server (01) Output Logs to Remote Host (02) Output Logs to Database; Cgroups - Resource Control