Nov 02, 2005
Multicraft - The Minecraft Hosting Solution - Troubleshooting Setting Value; ftpIp: ftpExternalIp: Your external (internet) IP address: ftpPasvPorts: a free range of ports that you can forward to your server (only needed if the FTP server is not running on port 21) Error in Cluster Web Gateway? Failure 'errno: 113 - 'No what´s this error? If sombody have information please let me know. Kind Regards. Yerko. Solved! Go to Solution. Me too. 0 Kudos Share. Reply. 113 - 'No route to host'' Jump to solution. Hello Yerko, It seems that the network connection in your Central Management cluster has been lost. Please troubleshot using the following guide: Troubleshooting connecting to your instance - Amazon On the Route Table tab, verify that there is a route with as the destination and the internet gateway for your VPC as the target. If you're connecting to your instance using its IPv6 address, verify that there is a route for all IPv6 traffic ( ::/0 ) that points to the internet gateway. Yum install displays i/o error url open error 113 no route
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Python 2.7 [Errno 113] No route to host - Stack Overflow I have 2 computers on the same LAN. The first PC has an ip address, the other PC has an ip address Ping, traceroute, telnet, ssh, everything works between the two PCs
We have mainly talked about the remote system problems for No route to host but in some cases, the problem may be related to our network and systems. We can check this with the simple ping command like below.
Linux Error: 113: No route to host | Oracle Community Nov 02, 2005 (113) no route to host - Cisco Community Re: (113) no route to host the router is connected to the firebox firewall then to the server.. I can also access telnet port 80 using putty and browsing the web app inside is also possible.